An online tool from WatchMeGrow
The Development Map has been designed to show young children’s learning and progress in a holistic way so that practitioners, teachers, parents and carers can see the ‘whole child’ and understand the complex nature of their development and progress from birth to 6 yrs old.
There are so many ways you can use the Development Map it is probably best described as a ‘pedagogical tool’ which brings together good practice based on child development; as well as supporting the professional development of observation skills and ensuring that we think about children’s progress in a child-centred way.
The Development Map is a collaborative tool which supports positive relationships between the child, the family and the setting/school; through good communication, sharing the child’s learning, progress and building authentic partnerships.
Have a look at the Development Map film below to see what it looks like in practice.

Have a look at the Development Map Film below to see what it looks like in practice.
Development Map Features
Find out more about using the Development Map with your children and families

Focus on the Unique Child and Child Development
The child's development, learning and progress is at the centre of practice

A pedagogical tool to support exemplary practice
The Development Map works in multiple ways to underpin and support high quality pedagogy and practice

Building partnerships between home and setting/school
Genuine partnerships between the child/family and the setting/school are woven throughout the Development Map

Continually developing professional practice
Growing practitioner/teacher knowledge and understanding of young children and how they develop and learn

The Observation Tool kit
The Observation Tool Kit is an online tool supporting good practice in observation, assessment and mapping children’s progress

A multi-functional tool for teachers, practitioners and parents
A wide range of functions, personalised to each child, all in one place, easily shared and updated

Supporting children with SEND
Children with SEND have special rights rather than special needs and are fully supported

A SMART way of working - Value for money
A SMART way of working - efficient, with flexible access to a range of information, which can be easily shared making the best use of everyone’s time and costs

Seeing children's progress
The Development Map is a visual, holistic map showing a child’s development and progress over time across the areas and aspects of learning

Leaders and Managers
The Development Map is designed to support the leadership of pedagogy and practice at various levels

Practitioners and Teachers
The Development Map supports all adults in their practice

In practice
The Development Map is designed to be used in everyday practice